
The National Service Scheme was launched on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth Centenary in the year 1969. Its primary aim has been to inculcate the sense of social responsibility among the youths of nation through participation of students in constructive social service. Inspired from Swami Vivekananda’s quote ‘From to Self to Non Self’ the NSS with its motto “Not Me but You” has grown into a well-organized social movement. The student volunteers in NSS participate in various extension activities, outreach and sensitization programmes organized in rural areas, adopted villages and college. It makes them understand the aims and objectives as well as importance of NSS in higher education and thereby inculcate social responsibility.
Service to community is the primary aim of this scheme. The collaboration with community provides its volunteers ample opportunities to get involved in interactions with people.
The N.S.S. unit of the college has been recognized as one of the best units in the SPP University, Pune. 200 students participate every year in the social activities undertaken by the unit. It has been recognized as one of the best units by the SPPU, Pune. It is recipient of University level Best NSS Unit and Programme officer Award, 2021.